Have you ever watched Kerri Walsh and Misty May-Treanor play volleyball?
OK, yes, they look hot. They’re tall and muscular and wear thin pieces of fabric some would call clothes, others would call illegal in 12 states. Little boys in California stash volleyball magazines under their beds in anticipation of some pre-bedtime alone time.
But c’mon. That’s not what makes Kerri and Misty spectacular.
I mean, have you seen them play volleyball?
These women aren’t just incredibly talented athletes. They’re incredibly competitive talented athletes. If they were up 20-0 in a match they wouldn’t let up, and if they gave you and your really tall friend Karch a 19-0 lead they would still find a way to crush you. I never saw them play a match where I wasn’t sure they were going to win.
So I can’t imagine they’re happy to see the AVP’s new campaign, which Darren Rovell mentions in his Sports Biz blog. As a sports fan, and a supporter of equal rights for women-—especially in sports--I have to wince, too. This sets women back a few decades.
Somewhere, Kerri Walsh is wincing. And Bobby Riggs is chuckling.
Hey Danny, sex sells. Ask Danica Patrick and every other fringe sport with women. They have to leverage the merchandise.
Leverage the merchandise? I didn't know you were such a caveman. I suppose I could call you unenlightened, but you could tell me to open my eyes and check out the sports that are rising (golf/ Natalie Gulbis, NASCAR/Danica, tennis/all of the "ova's") vs falling (softball, basketball...sports without a cover girl).
And you would be right!
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