Saturday, January 10, 2009

Is any press better than none at all?

If so, then so far, so good for G. The reviews are pouring in, the chatter's at full force, and the reception is most definitely mixed.

In these times of fragmented media and distracted eyeballs, there's a very valid argument to be made for the value of making a splash, regardless of how favorable the reactions are.

The media buzz has been mostly negative, which is to be expected from branding experts. Much of the online reaction has been positive and intrigued. Then again, the initial splash from the TV spots isn't translating into youtube success, according to the above article.

So we still need to wait and see. The current spots are just teasers; the proof will be when the campaign rolls out in earnest. I've heard rumors about some wackiness to come on the upcoming Big Game.

I'm sure the work will be fun to watch. I'm not sure the brand will survive it.

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