Monday, January 26, 2009

Move over, Shamwow!

The HAYAE Hall of Fame is going to have to build another wing soon.

Just last week, Shamwow took it's rightful place in the hallowed halls of the HAYAE (Heinously Annoying Yet Amazingly Effective) advertising HOF, heroically hauled there on the back of Vince the Bilingual Pitchman, amid promises of holding 20 times it’s weight in liquid.

Shamwow stands proudly beside Head On and Saved by Zero, and they’re all now joined by the newest awesome member:

Snuggie! The blanket that has sleeves!

It’s not often that a product seemingly inspired by Franciscan Monks sells more than four million units in three months, but it’s not often that you can work on your laptop or play backgammon in the dead of winter without getting cold. How many times have I had to warm my hands over the fire when I roasted marshmallows? Not any more!!

It’s a wonderfully weird product with a wonderfully ridiculous ad to match. And it’s a perfect use for Direct Response TV. Say what you will about DRTV, but with the right product and message, it works, big time.

So I salute you, Snuggie, and feel bad for the people at Slanket, who have much better colors but didn’t have the foresight to make such an obnoxiously terrific ad.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Slanket do have loads more colours though! Leopard print...