Sunday, November 16, 2008

Focus groups' chilling effect on advertising

Wow, that must be one REALLY cold beer.

That, or what Bud Light has to say about Drinkability is so important, so relevant to my life, so time-stands-still interesting, that people are frozen right there in place, and of course, we’re supposed to stop whatever we’re doing and listen too. Hmm. Might this be a classic case of a brand telling people what the brand wants them to now, rather that what the people might want to know? Research will tell you that consumers want to know why they buy one product over another. Thank you, research, for giving us these wonderfully informative and dull ads.

Oh wait, the monologuers do funny things to the frozen people too, like pour hot sauce in their mouths. OK, that’s better. NOW I’ll pay attention to what they want me to know about the finer points of beer.

Here’s a spot that focus groups would’ve hated because they would’ve said it was too confusing.

It won the biggest advertising award in the world.


Unknown said...

wha!! what a commercial!!!!

seems pretty obvious to me: guinness as culmination of evolution!

seriously, though, the thing here is that guinness is such a better, classier, and more serious beer than bud light that it's almost unfair to compare the two (or their ads).

Danny Schuman said...

Doesn't mean bud lights gets permission to do less good ads. In fact, they should overcompensate and reach higher. That's what marketing is for...

Fred said...

Danny, you know that clients use focus groups because they don't trust their own judgement. Fear drives the use of all copy testing. The clients who know their target and brand so well they trust their judgement get the best advertising-apple, nike and the old gatorade.

Danny Schuman said...

So true, Fred. And what makes it even more sad is that Bud Light used to know their target like the back of their hand. Not saying they didn't focus group the work; they just used consumer feedback to pick the funniest spots out of a batch of very funny spots.