Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ralphie sells the Bushes

Up until last week, I was one of 37 people in the United States who hadn’t seen A Christmas Story. Another of those 37 was my son, so we decided to join in the fun and watched it over the weekend. Just in time, too, to really appreciate some fun ads for the Greenville Drive, a minor league team playing in the South Atlantic League.

So many factors go into making a great ad. One is topicality. Nike is very best brand at making ads at the right time. I can’t find the ad I really want to find—the one during the last baseball strike asking the players to come back—but here’s an oldie that took advantage of the news at the time:

They struck while the iron was hot, for sure.

The ads for the Greenville Drive strike while the iron is hot, but in a different way. At a time when every single media outlet in the world is red and green and covered with Christmas, the Drive also goes down that road, but makes their ads stand out by referencing A Christmas Story. So smart. Even the copy is smart. My favorite, of course, is the play on the leg lamp. Love the spikes.

If I lived in South Carolina, I’d buy me some tickets. That and a Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle.

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